Elaine Walker 270.792.6951 | Dorian Walker 270.792.6948

Liberty's First Flight

May 16 & 17 | Bowling Green, KY


Liberty’s First Flight

On the morning of May 16, 2020, an historic event will take place at the airport in Bowling Green, KY. A 1918 American-built DH4 “Liberty” Plane will once again take to the skies, making its first public flight. At 9AM – and after a hiatus of nearly 80 years from the sky – she will break the bonds of earth, becoming the only original military DH4 flying in the world. This is a unique opportunity to participate in a piece of our country’s aviation heritage.


Friends of Vintage Flight (FOVF), LLC., is a non-profit (501C3) organization founded to bring the early American Aviation story to the general public in the form of a hands-on, flying WW1 warbirds. We currently have two planes in our hanger – the first a 1917 Curtiss JN-4 Biplane and the second a 1918 American-built DH4 “Liberty” combat warplane.


We invite you to join our group of Aviation Enthusiasts, Pilots, and Craftsman to maintain and fly these legends of the air.

Test Caption

The People

These aircraft, will be managed, maintained, and flown by FOVF. FOVF consists of an all-volunteer group of aviators and aviation aficionados, who have worked most diligently to restore and bring to flight status each plane.

Join The Fight!

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